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Taste and Health on Your Plate: Discover the power of healthy foods in your life

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By Kodsells

How can healthy foods benefit my well-being?

Nowadays, due to the internet the art of cooking has evolved to a level never seen before, containing various styles of recipes and with various taste preferences that give much pleasure to people in various ways, however, many contents that have become viral or that are shown nowadays have high amount of calories, but with low nutrition like pizza, burgers, chips, accessories like bacon in their compositions and cheddar, fried chicken, fried fish and in addition also has in the desserts a high amount of sugar as homemade cakes, ice cream, chocolate bars , pies and other various types of dessert of this type.

In addition, as nowadays access to transportation is much easier, entertainment is almost instantaneous with just a touch on the phone and increasingly have less need for locomotion to work or do physical exercises, There is greater fat retention by people and also combined with a diet with low nutrition makes people become much more overweight and with various health problems.

What excessive consumption of fat can cause for Humans?

  • Higher levels of obesity


  • digestive issues


  • Emergence of dermatological problems


  • increase in cases of Hypertension


  • increased heart disease, diabetes and stroke

In addition to the consumption of more foods with high amount of sugar can also cause problems in the liver, Chronic Inflammation, Dental Caries and Mental Health Problems.

Therefore, to have greater prevention against these problems, we must consume more and more foods rich in vitamins, minerals, little amount of fat, rich in protein and fiber , putting everything together in a meal with the greatest possible variety. Example of foods that can help you on a healthier diet are the fresh and colorful salads (such as lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and peppers),Greek Yogurt , Fresh Fruits (such as apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, avocados , oranges and among other fruits rich in vitamins and minerals) and nuts and hummus (such as almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and chickpeas).

Increased consumption of vegetables and vegetables can bring great benefits to humans in obtaining vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, hydration, cardiovascular health, weight control and among other mental benefits such as improvement in brain health, greater energy and willingness to daily activities and greatly improves in the rest of the body.

The large consumption of fruits during meals can bring many benefits to the human being such as increase of vitamins, fiber, Skin Health, Immune System Improvement and very preventive against mental problems such as stress, low mood and also serve as Antioxidants for Brain Health.

Consumption of nuts and hummus during meals can greatly help in human health as higher Vegetable Protein, Fiber, Appetite Control, Better Heart Health, helps in discovering new flavors and versatilities and helps in people’s good mood and one of the main sources of food to help against anxiety.

The consumption of Greek yogurt can greatly help the human being as in the greater amount of protein within the body,Satiety and Weight Control and also assists in Mental Health and emotional well-being and brings support for a great mood due to its composition help in the intestinal health of the human being.

But is it necessary to remove all fatty foods immediately?

Relax is not necessary to take from your diet all fatty foods immediately, as it can bring various negative consequences, such as sudden changes in energy in the body, gastrointestinal disorders and psychological difficulties, such as increased stress, nausea and disorderly eating behavior. Thus, causing people to lose the will to make this diet more healthful and in more severe cases cause a negative impact such as an increase in weight and frustrations.

Therefore, the ideal to have this healthier diet and thus generate great well-being for people is necessary to use a progressive diet, in which consists of changing the most fatty or harmful foods for healthy foods slowly until reaching the ideal level, thus making people do not give up so easily and bring great motivation and joy to each successful day.

Examples of food routines that can be used for your best well-being

  • Routine 6 good days and 1 bad day: this diet consists of eating for 6 days at all meals, large amount of healthy food and one or almost no meal an unhealthy food.However, During a 1 day of the week eating only unhealthy foods and little healthy foods (considered as the day of the garbage) , is a very good diet for those who like to practice many physical exercises in the gym or in some sport.


  • Routine of the low portions: During your meals you use more healthy foods and 1 or at most 2 unhealthy foods within your meal but with lower amounts of calories within your meal, is a great strategy for those who do not do much physical exercise. the best foods recommended for these meals are nuts and hummus that help in satisfying and controlling appetite.


  • Routine of eating every 4 hours: in this routine will use 6 meals during the day containing 2 main meals and 4 bearers, in supportive meals will eat only healthy foods with low caloric amount as fruits, a bar of cereal and salads and in the main meal in its large quantity healthy foods such as greens, vegetables and nuts containing only one more fatty food , is a very good diet for those who have a lot of time and for those who can do many physical exercises

There is also an alternative routine way to lose weight much faster which is through the use of supplements and slimming products ( which I recommend being 100% natural as there may be side effects if it is not natural). An example of a product that I recommended on this site is the Alpilean that normalizes or serves as a support for the body through the normalization of the internal temperature of the body,that is, improvement in the metabolism of your body very large and without side effects due to the composition of Alpilean is 100% natural, registered by the FDA and certified by the GMP.

Click on the image below if you want to know about Alpilean.

However Pay attention to!

When changing your diet and routine ,whenever you can (do not forget the tips given by this page), look for a nutritionist or specialist in the nutrition part because you can check faster and facilitate which products you can consume, how many calories is ideal for your weight, which foods have more need in your daily life (can change from person to person ) and even receive good indications of which place should train or practice sport to achieve your goal with your body, thus making many difficulties and issues understood and bringing the greatest welfare possible.

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By Kodsells

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